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Shrouded in darkness, the Wraith lures dozens to their doom in the boobytrapped labyrinth it has dwelled in for centuries. Many unfortunate souls have suffered the wasting chill of its ethereal hospitality.

Calling all Game Masters! Inside this box is everything you need to run epic roleplaying encounters with a pestilent Wraith, with minimal effort.

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RRP: 10 590 Ft 
Nálunk: 9 490 Ft
“If I can’t rule the present, then I’ll just rule the past!” - Ransik

The time-traveling villain Ransik has returned! Alongside his conniving rival and ally Frax, Ransik has brought together a squad of the fiercest villains from across time and space. This rogue’s gallery includes the wandering swordmaster Deker, the super mega evil Vrak, and the insectoi...
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RRP: 21 190 Ft 
Nálunk: 18 990 Ft
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Gather your friends and family together around the Christmas tree to collect beautiful ornaments, gifts, and stockings. Ornaments and presents/stockings all score points in a variety of ways.
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RRP: 6 590 Ft 
Nálunk: 5 990 Ft
A New Army!

You can’t conquer a planet without an army! These foot soldiers might not be so tough individually, but a swarm of them will prove a challenge for any Ranger. This expansion pack includes the Machine Empire’s Cogs and Ransik’s Cyclobots, as well as an alternate Putty Patroller enemy deck representing Lord Zedd’s terrifying Chaos Putties!
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RRP: 24 790 Ft 
Nálunk: 22 190 Ft
Side Effects is a take-that card game that combines a heap of cunning, a dash of luck, and fistfuls of vengeance. Each player is dealt a series of mental disorders face up in front of them—your goal is to be the first one to completely treat yourself using drug or therapy cards. But be warned! Every time a drug card is used to treat a disorder, it leaves the use...
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RRP: 12 290 Ft 
Nálunk: 10 990 Ft

Eddie ist nicht nur als Maskottchen von Iron Maiden bekannt, sondern auch eine der größten Heavy-Metal-Ikonen aller Zeiten. Mit diesem Set können Spieler Eddies verschiedene Inkarnationen auf epische Abenteuer in einer Vielzahl von CMON-Spielen mitnehmen. Der Iron Maiden Character Pack 1 enthält sechs Miniaturen und sogar das Material für deutsche und englisc...

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RRP: 16 490 Ft 
Nálunk: 11 290 Ft

Welcome, pirates! Have you ever dreamed of being out on the open waves in search of treasure and adventure? Well then,the Sea of Thieves is calling!Inspired by the hit video game, Sea of Thieves: Voyage of Legends is a competitive seafaring game of piracy for 2-4 players.Explore the high seas with your friends in voyages packed with danger and
excitement, ...

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RRP: 25 490 Ft 
Nálunk: 22 790 Ft

Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze, which is themed around the pulp adventures, tall tales, and local legends of the mid-20th century, gives you a whole new way to play Unmatched.

In the game, players work together to defeat one of two villains: Mothman or the Martian Invader. Each villain has a unique battlefield with unique objectives. If the villai...

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RRP: 25 490 Ft 
Nálunk: 22 790 Ft

Traum des Jägers ist eine Erweiterung für Bloodborne: Das Brettspiel und fügt dem Ende der Kampagne ein episches Extrakapitel hinzu, das das Gefühl der berüchtigten Endboss-Kämpfe der Videospielvorlage perfekt einfängt. Außerdem ist eine Vielzahl von Mini-Bossen enthalten, mit denen der Schwierigkeitsgrad jeder Partie erhöht werden kann. Für das Bezwingen die...

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RRP: 18 790 Ft 
Nálunk: 17 790 Ft

If you like trick-taking games then you will love this one. In Thrones, cards you play have powers, the rank of suits fluctuates, and winning a trick can actually be damaging depending on timing!

Long ago, when Valeria was a fledgling realm, the five great houses were constantly bickering, stealing, conspiring, and even assassinating each other for the ...

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RRP: 14 390 Ft 
Nálunk: 12 890 Ft

Als die Krahder ihren Raubzug beendeten, hatten sie unzählige Bewohner Andors verschleppt. Doch endlich waren die Helden von Andor zurückgekehrt und beschlossen, die Gefangenen zu befreien. Sogleich machen sie sich in den Süden des Landes auf, um ihr größtes Abenteuer zu bestehen. Jenseits des Grauen Gebirges erwarten die Helden hinterhältige Skelettarmeen, b...

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RRP: 21 890 Ft 
Nálunk: 20 790 Ft
Die Erweiterung Gegnerherausforderungen beinhaltet Varianten aller Basis-Gegner aus dem Grundspiel Sword & Sorcery: Die Alten Chroniken und bietet 16 neue Wesen mit eigenen Gegnerfiguren, Gegner-Pergamenten und Gegnerkarten.

Kampferprobt oder unerfahren: Durch den Einsatz der alternativen Gegnerfiguren kann der Schwierigkeitsgrad der Abenteuer individ...
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RRP: 14 090 Ft 
Nálunk: 13 390 Ft
Der Zubehör-Pack Sword & Sorcery – Geisterform-Helden enthält fünf Miniaturen für die Geisterform der Helden und führt zwei neue Kartentypen ein: Erinnerungen und Schlummernde Talente. Diese Karten können in Abenteuern und Kampagnen genutzt werden, um die Geschichte der Helden mit Talenten und Erinnerungen aus ihrer Vergangenheit auszuschmücken.

Zum S...
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RRP: 7 790 Ft 
Nálunk: 6 190 Ft
Obsessed with Terraforming Mars, but already have a great storage solution for the game? You can now take Terraforming Mars to a the next level with new gorgeous components: 90+ 3D tiles, markers, and more. A beautiful upgrade for your favorite game!
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RRP: 51 390 Ft 
Nálunk: 45 990 Ft
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RRP: 54 290 Ft 
Nálunk: 48 590 Ft
“When we’re finished, there will be no good left in the universe!” — Astronema

More devious and powerful enemies of the Power Rangers have arrived with destruction in their wake! Astronema leads a vicious assault on Earth, accompanied by her merciless lieutenant Ecliptor, while Mesogog the dinosaur-human hybrid commands his own deadly majordomo Elsa, as ...
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RRP: 19 290 Ft 
Nálunk: 17 290 Ft

Someone has died in the county women's prison — and not just anyone, but Senator Kowalsky's daughter.

You're heading to the prison now with a press conference scheduled for tomorrow at which you have to explain what happened, so you need to find answers over the next few hours.

To start Guilty: Houston 2015, you'll read the introduction, then plac...

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RRP: 7 690 Ft 
Nálunk: 6 890 Ft